Horse Therapy for Addiction
Horses play an active role in the therapeutic process at Angel’s Recovery.
Equine assisted programs offer an inspiring alternative to the fully traditional office-based model and also offer relief from stress while growing.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein
In the presence of horses people change.
Just as a horse is aware of his surroundings intuitively, a human must focus as well. In what we call “the equipresence” one must be present and aware of both self and others in a mindful way.
At Angel’s Recovery we teach creative problem solving and conflict resolution out in the open air among your peers and the horses, rather than confined to the offices of an addiction facility.

The man that has no imagination has no wings.Muhammad Ali
Therapeutic Benefits of Equine Therapy
At Angel’s Recovery, a safe medically supervised program. we look forward to those entering to grow wings and healthy independence.
In these equipresent sessions the horses play an active role in the therapeutic process.
In a recent article titled “The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on A Ratings of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients,” Sandra B Barker, PHD and Kathryn S. Dawson PHD shared their findings that Animal-Assisted therapy was associated with reduced state anxiety levels for hospitalized patients with a variety of psychiatric diagnoses.
With a multi-sensory hands on approach, the various traditional and alternative modalities and group sessions with a certified clinical professional and equine specialist, the client and the horse become partners in the process. This enables the client to grow and become aware of self while dealing with emotional issues, while removing the blocks of the past in their future path. With team participation these experiential (experience based) activities are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual, family or group.
The holistic approach and alternative modalities practiced in Angels Recovery, including the beautiful outdoor settings along with interacting with horses encourages honesty and a happier mindful natural mood.
The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their mind.Albert Schweitzer
EquiPresenceâ„¢ equine assisted psychotherapy and experiential learning programs offers an inspiring alternative to the fully traditional office-based model and also offers relief from stress while growing. Reconnect with your authentic self through connection with the power, beauty and integrity of horses in a sunny outdoor setting that provides the best that treatment has to offer.
We welcome you and if you like bring your horse!